Refutation of the Palmarian Sect

Some may be aware of an heresy known as Palmarianism from the region of Iberia. Its Antipopes teach peculiar heresies regarding the souls of Jesus and Mary, and are heretics. While at first they appeared to have a general love for tradition and morals, the devil deceived them, because they didn’t love the truth above all things, even the tradition. Despite the public profession by Antipope Paul VI of numerous heresies during and after the Vatican II Council, the Palmarian sect, before it elected its Antipopes and was known as the “Order of the Carmelites of the Holy Face”, headed by a Clemente Dominguez y Gomez, refused to accept that he was an Antipope. They continued to adhere to Antipope Paul VI throughout the period of Vatican II and its numerous heresies. The sect even has now proclaimed him to be a saint!

According to the Palmarians, all of Paul VI’s statements of heresy and public acts, including even such things handing over the papal tiara to the United Nations, were due to him being drugged by a secret cabal of Cardinals. Of course, there is no positive evidence for this ridiculous assertion, as he appeared perfectly lucid during all of his long public and open acts of apostasy from Christ.

Over time, the Order of the Carmelites of the Holy Face became more and more heretical and strange. As with most heretical movements, it began to receive purported special revelations, and then attempted to bind its faithful to these same revelations. In 1968 Clemente Dominguez y Gomez had his first visions of a demon disgused as the Mother of God. Rather than testing the spirits and seeking truth at all costs, he blindly followed whatever the apparitions were stating to him. This eventually resulted even in his own physical blindness from God, a symbol of his spiritual blindness.

Upon the death of Antipope Paul VI, Clemente Dominguez y Gomez declared himself Antipope Gregory XVII by authority of his vision. All were commanded to obey the private revelation as the truth of God, and all who did not were henceforth schismatics.

Antipope Gregory XVII failed to realize that the notion of private revelation being the object of faith was condemned by Pius X in Lamentabile Sine. All revelation that is authoritative and binding on Catholics, such that accepting or rejecting it causes one to lose supernatural faith and salvation, ceased with the death of the last apostle. Already then, a clear error was taught by the sect. The error of this sect and its Antipopes became worse over time.

Palmarian Antipope Gregory XVII proceeded to radically alter the sacred writ and import strange and foreign meanings into what it calls its new bible, which it claims is a restoration of the Holy Scripture in its original form, without errors of transcription. This restoration of revelation also came through the demonic visions Antipope Gregory XVII was receiving. Once again, Gregory XVII sought to bind dogma on the faithful on the basis of private revelation, in contravention of Lamentabile Sine. According to one report, this false dogma even included alien space wars between two worlds called Planet Mary and Planet Lucifer. Needless to say, the sect keeps its scripture secretive and it is hard to find, likely because these new doctrines are an embarassment to some inside it.

The sect also teaches the preexistence of the human souls of Jesus Christ and Mary in contradiction to the Council of Ephesus and later decrees. According to Chapter XI of the Palmarian Catechism:

The Souls of Christ and Mary pre-existed because they were created by God prior to the conception of their respective Bodies. Therefore: The Soul of Christ united to the Divine Word from the instant of His creation, was without His Body until, millennia later, He took human flesh in the Virgin Mary’s Most Pure Womb. The Soul of Mary espoused to the Soul of Christ from the instant of Her creation, was without Her two Bodies until, millennia later, She took human flesh at Her Immaculate Conception.

This was condemned by the Council of Ephesus in 431 A.D., which taught that the Divine nature united with the full humanity of Christ (including the rational soul) upon conception to form one person. Truly Palmarianism is the raving of heretical madmen, no different from other early schismatics and heretics that attempted to corrupt the Christological doctrines.

As to the human soul of Mary, the Catholic Church has always taught that it was formed immaculate at conception:

“The devotion to the most blessed Virgin Mary is indeed of long standing among the faithful of Christ who believe that her soul, from the first instant of its creation and infusion into her body, was preserved immune by a special grace and privilege of God from the stain of original sin. (‘in primo instanti creationis atque infusionis in corpus’)” -Pope Alexander VII, 1661.

As to the human soul of Christ, the Catholic Church always taught that the created human soul of Christ was united to the Divine nature at conception:

“The only begotten Son, begotten of God the Father according to nature, true God from true God, the light from the light, the one through whom the Father made all things, came down, became incarnate, became man, suffered, rose on the third day and ascended to heaven. We too ought to follow these words and these teachings and consider what is meant by saying that the Word from God took flesh and became man. For we do not say that the nature of the Word was changed and became flesh, nor that he was turned into a whole man made of body and soul. Rather do we claim that the Word in an unspeakable, inconceivable manner united to himself hypostatically flesh enlivened by a rational soul, and so became man and was called son of man, not by God’s will alone or good pleasure, nor by the assumption of a person alone. Rather did two different natures come together to form a unity, and from both arose one Christ, one Son… Can. 3. If anyone says or holds that the body of our Lord Jesus Christ was first formed in the womb of the holy Virgin, and that after this God, the Word, and the soul, since it had pre-existed, were united to it, let him be anathema.” -Pope Celestine I, Council of Ephesus, 431 A.D.

“Can. 2. If anyone says and holds that the soul of the Lord pre-existed, and was united to God the Word before His incarnation and birth from the Virgin, let him be anathema. Can. 3. If anyone says or holds that the body of our Lord Jesus Christ was first formed in the womb of the holy Virgin, and that after this God, the Word, and the soul, since it had pre-existed, were united to it, let him be anathema.” -Pope Vigilius I, Canons against Origen, 543 A.D.

Obviously then, the Holy Catholic Church then can never accept some strange doctrine of the preexistence of the souls of Jesus and Mary, a thing unheard of from the Apostles, and invented by both Origen and now the diabolical deception of Palmar.