Antipope Michael Sect

Some may be aware of an Antipope who used the name “Michael”. He was from Kansas in the United States of America. Antipope Michael, due to his failure to understand and carefully apply the law of Pius XII regarding papal elections, attempted to hold a conclave using arbitrary rules that his immediate family invented. His mother assisted him in his Antipapacy and was one of its most ardent supporters. He sent out notice to randomly selected persons who were believed to be Catholic, according to an arbitrary method, no doubt leaving many unaware the election was even taking place.

When virtually no one appeared to participate in the election, Michael and his family illegally proceeded to record and count the ballots according to an arbitrary procedure, apparently at a garage or other arbitrary location. Not surprisingly, he was the one who was elected by his parents to become Antipope of his new false sect. In performing his illicit act, he violated the 1945 law Vacantis Apostolicae Sedis, promulgated by Pius XII, which forbade all who are not Cardinals from holding an election, and which also forbade all other methods of holding papal election than specified within that decree.

Michael I’s election was not only illicit, it was null and void according to Vacantis Apostolicae Sedis and Pius XII. Unlike Antipope Michael, Boniface X followed Vacantis Apostolicae Sedis exactly as required, not adding or subtracting, and obeying every law that was possible to be obeyed, and honoring the intent of his Predecessor Pius XII. See the Proof of Jurisdiction of Boniface X for more information. Vacantis Apostolicae Sedis declares that all procedures to obtain a Pontiff other than the one implemented by it are null and void. Vacantis Apostolicae Sedis teaches the following regarding those who invent novel election procedures as was done by Antipope Michael:

“Decreeing that the present letter and everything contained herein… cannot be challenged in any way, but shall always and forever remain firm, valid, and effective, and shall achieve and obtain its full and complete effect, and shall be supported by and strictly observed by those to whom they pertain and will pertain in time, and be null and void if otherwise attempted by anyone, with any authority, knowingly or unknowingly.” -Pope Pius XII, Vacantis Apostolicae Sedis 1945.

Further, at the time of Michael’s elevation and until his death, he taught the heresy that non-Catholics who are separated in faith and government from his sect can be saved without holding the Catholic Faith. In the public video “Pope Michael Documentary”, Antipope Michael publicly and openly taught the heresy that men who hold other faiths than Catholicism upon their deaths can be saved. In fact, he was a deep adherent to this heresy, and stated that even a protestant “baptist” that openly knows of the existence of the Catholic Church, and still rejects it, could be saved upon his death. He falsely taught that the ardent protestant heretic will likely not go to hell, so long as the protestant does not “know” the Catholic Church is the true Church:

His internet page called “Vatican in Exile” also failed to zealously promote the dogma of no salvation outside of the Catholic Faith and Church. While his internet pages properly condemned the heresy of religious liberty, and errors against the liturgy, he never sternly and devoutly condemned the heresy that there is no salvation for those who reject the Catholic Faith.

In March 2022, Antipope Michael again taught that he “cannot judge”, and that a protestant upon death might be saved.

As a result, Antipope Michael was a manifest heretic in his authentic magisterium. It is also clear that, unlike Michael, Boniface X properly proclaims and professes the full Catholic Faith. Those who hold to protestant errors cannot be saved. Antipope Michael teaches and professes a false faith that is other than the one promulgated by the councils of the Church, and he should be rejected as an Antipope along with Francis and the numerous other Antipopes of our time.

Antipope Michael I taught in his November 15, 2013 video Fish Eater Friday Baptism of Desire, that Hindus go to heaven, and therefore just like Vatican II teaches, they “run to God with love and trust”.

In a video January 3, 2011, titled What if You are Wrong?, Antipope Michael I taught that you don’t have to recognize the true pope, you can just be guided by the opinion of your particular pastor. This contradicts Mortalium Animos: “Furthermore, in this one Church of Christ no man can be or remain who does not accept, recognize and obey the authority and supremacy of Peter and his legitimate successors.”

In his August 25, 2017 video How do We Act in a Time of Confusion?, Antipope Michael II taught that those divided in faith and government are actually in good faith and could be living in the unity of the same body, in violation of Pius XII’s condemnation of this idea in Mystici Corporis #22. “It follows that those who are divided in faith or government cannot be living in the unity of such a Body, nor can they be living the life of its one Divine Spirit.”

Antipope Michael I Passed Away on August 2, 2022. He was replaced by a new successor from the Philippines named Michael II.

The Antipope Michael sect elected by “lots” an Antipope Michael II. Presumably Antipope Michael II holds the same heresies as Antipope Michael I since he accepts him as a true prior Pontiff. The use of lots was again an alternative procedure to Vacantis Apostolicae Sedis and thus was null and void according to that decree. There is no evidence that Michael I ever implemented a new law for election of the Pontiff. They once again determined to obey a false procedure over the clear canon law enacted by Pius XII that no other kind of election than Vacantis Apostolicae Sedis could be held.

On March 29, 2024, it was discovered that the Antipope Michael sect advertises the Baltimore Catechism via website link, which heretically teaches that heretics who never questioned their false religion can possibly be saved upon death.

As of August, 2024, it also recommends the heretical Vatican II “Catechism of the Catholic Church”, which teaches religious liberty and that pagans and protestants believing and practicing their false religions can be saved. The book is listed at the Amazon book list known as Brother Hermenegilds Spiritual Bookshelf.

The Antipope Michael sect is now falsely teaching it holds to the dogma of no salvation outside the Catholic Church and even rejects baptism of desire according to Antipope Michael II’s recent interview with Christian Wagner. Now that the sect is purporting, falsely, to have rejected indifferentism, it is sending out inconsistent teachings regularly. For example, as recently as July 2024 in the latest edition of his newsletter The Olive Tree, Antipope Michael II teaches that Cardinals in the Vatican II sect loyal to Antipope Paul VI such as Cardinal Mindszenty are inside the Church and Catholic, thereby implicitly refuting Michael II’s claim that he teaches there is no salvation outside the Church. Further, it refuses to explain how Michael I is still considered a true pope within its sect, even though he taught the heresy of indifferentism.

On April 11, 2024, Boniface X wrote an electronic letter to Antipope Michael II, urging him to enter the true Church and submit to the true papacy of Boniface X, or at least hold a meeting regarding his errors. Antipope Michael II responded on May 5, 2024. He refused to hold a meeting, asserting that it was too far for him to travel at the current time. Antipope Michael II also refuses to acknowledge the heresies of his predecessor, and his own inconsistencies.