Conversion (Steps)

The following are the steps to convert to the Catholic Church:

Step 1- Contact the Apostolic See

At the time of this writing, since the world is in the Great Apostasy, there are likely no priests, emissaries, or others with jurisdiction in your region to administer salvation. It is important to contact the Apostolic See through e-mail, telephone, or letter directly to set an initial interview with either the Roman Pontiff himself, or if possible a designated representative, to conduct your initial interview. This initial interview is for the purpose of ascertaining your personal religious history, and determining the best steps for entrance into the Catholic Church that are particular to your circumstances.

Step 2- Catechesis and Instruction

If you were in the false Vatican II sect or any other sect that falsely claims to be Catholic such as the Society of Saint Pius X, independent clergy without jurisdiction, sedeprivationsim, cassiciacum thesis, or sedevacantism, but you are mostly catechized in Catholic teachings, one or two catechetical sessions will be held with you to be sure you understand the heresies and errors of Vatican II, and the falsehoods of the sect or religion to which you belonged. Once your orthodoxy is confirmed, you will be conditionally baptized and all censures and delicts you may have incurred will be removed by order of the Supreme Pontiff. You will then be a full member of the Catholic Church.

If you were another kind of non-Catholic you must attend a year’s worth of classes conducted by the Supreme Pontiff or a designated representative. Upon completion of the classes, you will be baptized (if previously baptized, then conditionally baptized) and all censures and delicts you may have incurred will be removed by order of the Supreme Pontiff. You will then be a full member of the Catholic Church.

Step 3- Responsibilites Upon Admission

Upon admission into the Catholic Church, you will have basic responsibilities. You may wish to volunteer for additional responsibilities beyond these.

  1. Attend the weekly celebration of the Mass in your region (with or without consecration depending on whether holy orders have been restored in your region), which will be immediately followed by prayer of the fifteen decades of the Rosary, by those designated by the Pontiff to celebrate. You may also do this virtually with the Pontiff if there is no Mass in your region.
  2. Profess openly that you are a Roman Catholic among those you know and that you do not follow the Vatican II council. If someone asks you who the true Pope is, always advise them it is Boniface X.
  3. Make appropriate donations to the Church as you are able to assist in its growth. A traditional tithe of ten percent of income after tax is usually a reasonable amount.
  4. Abstain from mortal sin. Also, once a year (or more often if you have fallen into mortal sin), meet with the Pontiff or a designated representative to confess your sins and obtain a plenary indulgence and special dispensation to remit both your sins and temporal punishments (the same kind often given to the Crusaders), as is appropriate for those in the Christian militia battling against the evil one in this time of the Great Apostasy. The Pontiff will call upon the grace of Saint Peter to grant you perfect contrition and full remission of all your sins. While this does not take the place of sacramental confession by a priest with holy orders, it is still a powerful means of grace and forgiveness, nonetheless. After this the Pontiff or his designated representative will give you required penances and prayers to complete by a specified time. This is a requirement for all Catholics in this time by decree of the Roman Pontiff.
  5. Marriages should be quickly reviewed and approved by the Roman Pontiff or designated representative, prior to entering them, even if a bishop or priest cannot be obtained. As this is the Great Apostasy described by Saint Paul, the Pontiff should ensure all is prepared worthily and men should live with full attention to God and family.
  6. If a priest or bishop is restored in your region, attend to the sacraments and weekly Mass as required by the 1917 Codex.

Given to the Frankish Army

“Now we hope that none of you will be slain, but we wish you to know that the kingdom of heaven will be given as a reward to those who shall be killed in this war. For the Omnipotent knows that they lost their lives fighting for the truth of the faith, for the preservation of their country, and the defense of Christians. And therefore God will give them the reward which we have named.”

-Pope Leo IV (847-855 A.D.) PL 115: 656-657, and 161:720

John VIII to the bishops in the realm of Louis II [the Stammerer].

You have modestly expressed a desire to know whether those who have recently died in war, fighting in defense of the church of God and for the preservation of the Christian religion and of the state, or those who may in ‘he future fall in the same cause, may obtain indulgence for their sins. We confidently reply that those who, out of love to the Christian religion, shall die in battle fighting bravely against pagans or unbelievers, shall receive eternal life. For the Lord has said through his prophet: “In whatever hour a sinner shall be converted, I will remember his sins no longer.” By the intercession of St. Peter, who has the power of binding and loosing in heaven and on the earth, we absolve, as far as is permissible, all such and commend them by our prayers to the Lord.”

-Pope John VIII to the Bishops of Louis the Stammerer, PL 126:816

“Moreover, by the authority vested by God in us, we who with paternal care provide for your safety and the needs of the church, have promised and granted to those who from a spirit of devotion have decided to enter upon and accomplish such a holy and necessary undertaking and task, that remission of sins which our predecessor Pope Urban instituted.”

-Pope Eugene III, 1146, Otto of Freising, Gesta Frederici, MGH, Scrip. XX.p.371

“Therefore, trusting in the mercy of omnipotent God, and in the authority of the blessed apostles Peter and Paul, by that power of binding and loosing which God has conferred on us, although unworthy, we grant to all, who undergo the labor in their own person and at their own expense, full remission of the sins of which they have truly repented with contrite hearts, and which they have confessed with their months; and at the retribution of the just we promise an increase of eternal salvation.”

-Pope Innocent III, 1215 A.D., Council of the Lateran